BUGAJ/FISCHER, P.C. law firm located in Honesdale, Wayne County, Pennsylvania
Current Wayne County Bar Association President

Welcome to the Wayne County Bar Association [WCBA], its active membership and new online
digital presence. We hope WCBA will become your #1 resource for all of your legal needs.
One of the goals of WCBA has been to install and actively use an enhanced Pro Bono Program for Wayne County. As the current president and on behalf of the entire Association, I would like to present ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS and THANKS to those who helped bring this goal into fruition for the good of the people of Wayne County.
We would like to acknowledge the special contributions made to the development of this report and recommendations by the following people: Honorable Raymond L. Hamill, President Judge, 22nd Judicial District; Honorable Janine Edwards, District Attorney, Wayne County; Honorable Linus Myers, Magisterial District Justice; Nicole Hendrix, Court Administrator; Edward Sandercock, Prothonotary; Wayne County Custody Masters Pam Wilson and Warren Schloesser; North Penn Legal Services Executive Director Victoria Coyle; NPLS Wayne County Managing Attorney Salvatore Nardozzi; and the following other members of the Wayne County Bar Association: Stephen Bresset, James Brown, Charles Curtin, Ronnie Fischer, Francine Gruber, Richard Henry, AG Howell, Fred Howell, John Martin, Christine Rechner, Mark Zimmer, and Tobey Oxholm, Pro Bono Committee Chair.
We also acknowledge and thank the following people for the experience, wisdom, and guidance they provided during the investigation, envisioning, and creation of this report: Michele Minor Wolf, Executive Director, Victims’ Intervention Program; David Trevaskis, Pro Bono Coordinator for the Pennsylvania Bar Association; Jim Swoyer, Grants Manager, Pennsylvania IOLTA Board, Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; Honorable Anne Lazarus, Judge, Superior Court of Pennsylvania; Sam Milkes, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network; and NPLS Monroe County Staff Attorney Caitlin Humphreys.
We thank the law firm of Ballard Spahr LLP for the pro bono assistance they provided in bringing Pro Bono Partnerships, Inc., out of “mothballs” and into service in Wayne County.
And finally, we recognize the following directors of pro bono programs who shared their manuals, forms, insights and lessons learned, and thank them for the leadership and energy they invest every day in the cause of Equal Access to Justice: Sandy Ballard, Public Services Coordinator, Dauphin County Bar Association; Victoria A. Connor, Chief Executive Officer, York County Bar Association/York County Bar Foundation; Sylvia Hahn, Director, Lackawanna Pro Bono; Shelly Sydnor, Pro Bono Coordinator, Cumberland County Bar Association; Denise M. Burdge, Executive Director, Monroe County Bar Association; Mary Anne Lucey, Consumer Bankruptcy Assistance Project; and Cheryl Zalenski, Director, Center for Pro Bono, American Bar Association.